
One Day to please your beloved


Is there a holiday that is filled with love, joy and feelings? It’s February 14. This holiday brings out the best in us and makes it possible to share our most intimate feelings with loved ones.

Every day we try to please our loved one on this special day by giving them unique, memorable gifts. What could it be?

What gift will impress a girl on this special day? These are jewelry, of course! These are Valentine’s Day pendants. Luxurious and beautiful, delicate and elegant, made of traditional gold or sterling silver – the assortment of the FJewellery store is large, and the prices are the most pleasant – here you will definitely find what your chosen one.

What should the most romantic decoration look like?

The heart, an external symbol of love or loyalty, is easily understood by all people on the planet. It has been used by many people since ancient times to communicate their emotions. Nowadays, no cute or passionate message can be complete without this adorable symbol. It is customary to gift each other small, sweet things in the form of a heart on Valentine’s Day.

  • Postcards
  • Candles
  • Pillows
  • Figurines

Imagine a beautiful pendant or an old-fashioned medallion in this shape. This would be amazing, wouldn’t it? This is a wonderful way to tell a girlfriend, “I love you!” There are many options for designing such pendants. They can be simple, elegant and affordable or they can be lavished with diamonds or rubies. The insertion in the budget version is made from cubic zirconia. This will make it shine like a natural gemstone. Another pendant would make a great addition, such as the word Love, a flower or cupid, or a key.

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These accessories can be worn as a necklace, bracelet or chain around the neck. It will make a great addition for the medallion. You can immediately place the jewelry on your loved one’s neck or wrist, and it instantly becomes a beautiful addition to her image.

This decoration will stand out from all others. It will make you feel special and loved. What more do you need to make a perfect gift?

When choosing jewelry, it is important to take into consideration the preferences of your lady. Every woman is different and so are their jewelry preferences. Some women prefer flashy, bright gold jewelry with large inlays of precious stones, while others prefer simple, elegant accessories made from sterling silver. It is worth determining which accessories your girl prefers and which ones she uses the most. You will be able to make informed choices and impress your girl with your attention and discernment.

How did Valentine’s Day come to be?

This date is often linked to St. Valentine, a Roman martyr who was executed because he refused to renounce Christianity. He died on February 14, A.D. 26,2. This day was later dedicated to all couples who were in love around the globe. Legend has it that St. Valentine wrote a farewell note to his prisoner, which he signed, “Your Valentine.”

St. Valentine was a priest in the temple under the rule of Claudius, the Roman emperor. Valentine was condemned by the ruler for his disobedience. It wasn’t until 496 A.D. that Pope Gelasius declared February 14 a feast in honor of Valentine, who was ranked as a saint.


Although we don’t know the details of how it happened, one thing is certain. The young Christian priest died in the name Love. This Love was shown to him in a surprising amount in his short time on earth – love for God and the beautiful girl, love towards the people he helped and just as a man with a big, giving heart.

In England and Scotland, young people organized a lottery on Valentine’s Day. The guys would draw lots to see who would be the “bride” for one year. These countries saw Valentine’s Day as a holiday for “established” lovers. It also offered hope that those who had not yet found love would find it. The traditional entertainment of finding a lover was awaited with excitement and trepidation.

Despite all the efforts of the church, Valentine’s Day still has one tradition: Single and married men and women draw lots to pick their sweetheart. The couple would exchange gifts, sometimes symbolizing their love, once they were together.

The tradition of choosing a Valentine by casting lots lasted up to the 18th century. Gradually however, things changed. The gift exchange was stopped between the parties; instead, the man took full responsibility for the gift.

This new twist put an end to her random choice of Valentine. Many men felt unhappy giving gifts to women that they didn’t choose, even if they were very expensive. Now that every person can choose their Valentine, the holiday takes on a deeper meaning for couples.

In the following years, Valentine’s Day was celebrated worldwide by lovers who exchanged love letters on February 14. It was a custom to dedicate love poems on Valentine’s Day. To send beautiful SMS congratulations, to exchange sweet messages of love, and to give small gifts like jewelry, flowers, and soft toys in the shape of hearts. Many events and balls were held.

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American Esther Howland was first to send valentines. In 1800, commercial production of Valentines was established. The city of Loveland is home to the Valentine’s Day business. The city has a large printing shop that produces Valentine’s cards in all colors and tastes.